The goal of
this example is to use L9 Hg derivative data (file = thim.cns)
to calculate
a pretty lousy "one-derivative map" and initial phases for the
L9 native
data (filename = e100c_nat3.cns). These phases are then used to
to calculate
a difference fourier map of the L9 iodine derivative
= e100c3i.cns). This difference fourier map contains large
peaks at the
iodine sites. Thus, the iodine sites can be found without
having to
solve a Patterson map.
Note that the
large iodine peaks in the difference fourier map are negative;
this is because
the input file is set up to calculate the difference fourier
map as "native
minus iodine".
To see negative
peaks using "O", just set the map contour level to a negative
number in
the "map_parameter" line.
In addition
to the 2 iodine peaks, the difference fourier map contains a
third large
peak at the Hg site; this 3rd peak is an artifact.
Note that these
map calulations do not require a structural model or PDB file. However,
a PDB file
for L9 is included in this directory (l9.pdb) so the sites can be seen
relative to
the L9 structure. The Hg site is near the side chain of residue
The two iodine sites are near the ring of tyrosine Y126. The two iodine
are not the
same height, but they are both present.
Input files:
All these files are on hermione in /home/dave/cns_examples/L9_2deriv/
The files
can be copied into your directory and run.
e100c_nat3.cns = L9 native data
thim.cns = Hg derivative data (thim = "thimerosol", an organic Hg compound)
e100c3i.cns = iodine derivative data
merge.inp => merges native and thimerosol data sets
scale.inp => scales native and thimerosol data sets
ir_phase.inp => calculates phases for native data using thimerosol derivative
=> calculates electron density map for L9 based on phases
from the thimerosol derivative only. Note that the
map is not interpretable.
=> calculates difference fourier map for iodine derivative
using phases from thimerosol derivative. The map is calculated
as "native minus iodine", so the iodine peaks are negative.
Now that the
iodine sites are found, the iodine sites can be used together with the
Hg site to
calculate an electron density map that is actually interpretable.