These scripts are to get you started.
To optimize the processing for your sample, you
should experiment with different window
functions (such as SP, EM, etc.), as well as
phase correction, baseline correction,
and linear prediction.
The scripts begin reading a Varian
format fid file (filename.var) and finish by
creating a Sparky-format processed
Summary of examples:
1) 2-D NOE (States)
2) 2-D TOCSY (States)
3) 2-D N15-H1 HSQC (Sensitivity-enhanced
4) 2-D N15-H1 HMQC-JR (TPPI)
5) 2-D N15-H1 HSMQC (TPPI)
6) 2-D C13-H1 HSQC (TPPI)
7) 3-D N15-H1-H1 HSQC-NOE (States,
Sensitivity-enhanced States)
8) 3-D N15-H1-H1 HSQC-TOCSY (States,
Sensitivity-enhanced States)
9) 3-D C13-H1-H1 HCCH-TOCSY (TPPI)
10) 3-D HNCA (States, Sensitivity-enhanced
1) Homonuclear 2-D NOE :
Example of processing data for a 2-D
NOE spectrum
acquired using "States" method for
the 2nd dimension.
var2pipe -in ./y2at_wnoe2.var
2048 \
800 \
1024 \
400 \
Complex \
Complex \
7800.000 \
7800.000 \
500.297 \
500.297 \
4.920 \
4.920 \
H1 \
H1 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp \
# | nmrPipe -fn SOL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.02 -end 0.999
-pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 22.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -45.0 -p1 -117.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.5ppm -xn
-0.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.50 -end 0.999
-pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 1.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -20.0 -p1
40.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.5ppm -xn
-0.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| nmrPipe -fn TP \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
2) Homonuclear 2-D TOCSY :
Example of processing data for a 2-D
TOCSY spectrum
acquired using "States" method for
the 2nd dimension:
var2pipe -in ./y2at_wtoc2.var
2048 \
600 \
1024 \
300 \
Complex \
Complex \
7800.000 \
7800.000 \
500.297 \
500.297 \
4.920 \
4.920 \
H1 \
H1 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp \
# | nmrPipe -fn SOL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.02 -end 0.99
-pow 1 -c 0.9 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 22.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 100.0 -p1 -60.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.5ppm -xn
-0.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.99
-pow 1 -c 0.5 \
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.5ppm -xn
-0.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| nmrPipe -fn TP
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
3) Heteronuclear 2-D HSQC :
For data acquired using Sensitivity-enhanced
"States-Tppi" method
for the 2nd dimension, such as with
15N-1H HSQC:
var2pipe -in ./y2at_hsqc1.var
2048 \
512 \
1024 \
256 \
Complex \
Rance-Kay \
8500.000 \
5000.000 \
500.297 \
50.700 \
4.800 \
121.000 \
H1 \
N15 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp
| nmrPipe -fn SOL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.02 -end 0.999
-pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 22
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 270.0 -p1 -55.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.14 -end 0.999
-pow 1 -c 0.5 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 3
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
4) Heteronuclear 2-D HMQC-JR (HMQC with jump-return water suppression):
For data acquired using TPPI for second dimension:
var2pipe -in ./y2a_hmqcjr_2.var
2048 \
700 \
1024 \
700 \
Complex \
Real \
8500.000 \
5000.000 \
500.297 \
50.700 \
4.870 \
121.00 \
H1 \
N15 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp \
| nmrPipe -fn NULL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.020 -end 0.99
-pow 1 -c 0.9 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 20.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 180.0 -p1 0.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.8ppm -xn
5.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.35 -end 0.98
-pow 2 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 6.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -55.0 -p1 470.0
| nmrPipe -fn REV -di \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
5) Heteronuclear 2-D HSMQC.
For data acquired using TPPI for second dimension:
var2pipe -in ./y2a_hsmqc.var
2048 \
512 \
1024 \
512 \
Complex \
Real \
8500.000 \
5000.000 \
500.297 \
50.700 \
4.890 \
117.50 \
H1 \
N15 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp \
# | nmrPipe -fn SOL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.02 -end 0.98
-pow 1 -c 0.7 \
| nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 20.0
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 90.0 -p1 -30.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.6ppm -xn
5.5ppm -sw -round \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.3 -end 0.98
-pow 1 -c 0.5 \
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -72.0 -p1 149.0
| nmrPipe -fn REV -di \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
6) C13-H1 HSQC (2-D) :
For data acquired using "TPPI" method for the 2nd dimension:
var2pipe -in ./peng_10jul01_wt6.var
2048 \
512 \
1024 \
512 \
Complex \
Real \
6000.200 \
25160.200 \
500.297 \
125.807 \
4.700 \
70.00 \
H1 \
C13 \
2 \
-out ./temp -verb -ov
nmrPipe -in ./temp
| nmrPipe -fn NULL
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98
-pow 2 -c 0.5 \
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -25.0 -p1 0.0
-di \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98
-pow 2 -c 0.5 \
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
360.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn REV -di
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto \
| nmrPipe -fn TP
-out ./temp2 -verb -ov
pipe2ucsf temp2
rm -f temp
rm -f temp2
7) 3-D HSQC-NOE :
For data acquired using States method
for the 2nd dimension (H1)
and sensitivity-enhanced States-TPPI
for the 3rd dimension (N15).
Includes baseline correction.
var2pipe -in ./y2at_hqnoe.var
1024 \
256 \
64 \
512 \
128 \
32 \
Complex \
Complex \
Rance-Kay \
6200.000 \
6200.000 \
1650.000 \
500.297 \
500.297 \
50.700 \
4.914 \
4.914 \
118.700 \
H1 \
H1 \
N15 \
3 \
1 \
-out ./temp_files/test%03d.fid
-verb -ov
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.fid
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.998 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -104.0
-p1 0.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 11.24ppm
-xn 5.6ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-x \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-z -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-z -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-x -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-z -out spectrum \
pipe2ucsf spectrum
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
rm -rf temp_files
rm -f spectrum
For data acquired using States method
for the 2nd dimension (H1)
and sensitivity-enhanced States-TPPI
for the 3rd dimension (N15).
Includes baseline correction.
var2pipe -in ./y2at_hqtoc.var
1024 \
256 \
64 \
512 \
128 \
32 \
Complex \
Complex \
Rance-Kay \
6200.000 \
6200.000 \
1650.000 \
500.297 \
500.297 \
50.700 \
4.914 \
4.914 \
118.700 \
H1 \
H1 \
N15 \
3 \
1 \
-out ./temp_files/test%03d.fid
-verb -ov
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.fid
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.998 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -104.0
-p1 0.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 11.24ppm
-xn 5.6ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-x \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-z -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-z -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-x -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-z -out spectrum \
pipe2ucsf spectrum
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
rm -rf temp_files
rm -f spectrum
For data acquired using "TPPI" method
for the 2nd & 3rd dimensions.
Includes baseline correction.
var2pipe -in ./y2a_hcch.var
1024 \
256 \
92 \
512 \
256 \
92 \
Complex \
Real \
Real \
5800.000 \
5800.000 \
8400.000 \
500.297 \
500.297 \
125.800 \
4.914 \
4.914 \
43.10 \
H1 \
H1 \
C13 \
3 \
-out ./temp_files/test%03d.fid
-verb -ov
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.fid
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 1.0
# | nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 20.0
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 146.0
-p1 0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 6.0ppm
-xn -0.5ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-x \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 1.0
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0
-p1 0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-z -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-z -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-x -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 6.0ppm
-xn -0.5ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft5
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft5
-z -out spectrum \
pipe2ucsf spectrum
cp ~/Sparky/Save
rm -rf temp_files
rm -f spectrum
10) 3-D HNCA :
For data acquired using States method
for the 2nd dimension (C13)
and sensitivity-enhanced States-TPPI
for the 3rd dimension (N15).
Includes baseline correction.
var2pipe -in ./y2a_hnca.var
1024 \
128 \
64 \
512 \
64 \
32 \
Complex \
Complex \
Rance-Kay \
7650.000 \
4000.000 \
1650.200 \
500.297 \
125.800 \
50.700 \
4.915 \
54.000 \
119.200 \
H1 \
C13 \
N15 \
3 \
1 \
-out ./temp_files/test%03d.fid
-verb -ov
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.fid
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.4 -end
0.99 -pow 1 -c 1.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -102.0
-p1 0.0 \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 12.54ppm
-xn 5.6ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-x \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-z -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.3 -end
0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-z -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.3 -end
0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
-0.0 -di \
# | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-x -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-z -out spectrum \
pipe2ucsf spectrum
cp ~/Sparky/Save/
rm -rf temp_files
rm -f spectrum
11) 3-D HACACBCO (TPPI in 2nd
and 3rd dimensions).
Includes baseline correction.
var2pipe -in ./y2a_hacacbco.var
1024 \
120 \
60 \
512 \
120 \
60 \
Complex \
Real \
Real \
5000.000 \
8400.000 \
1950.000 \
500.297 \
125.800 \
125.800 \
4.914 \
43.100 \
172.40 \
H1 \
CO \
3 \
-out ./temp_files/test%03d.fid
-verb -ov
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.fid
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 1.0
# | nmrPipe -fn EM -lb 20.0
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 142.0
-p1 0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 6.0ppm
-xn 2.5ppm -sw -round \
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-x \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft1
-y -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0
-p1 0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-y -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%03d.ft2
-z -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.36
-end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.6 \
| nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto
| nmrPipe -fn FT -real
| nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 0.0 -p1
0.0 -di \
| nmrPipe -fn REV
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-z -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft3
-x -verb \
| nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto
| pipe2xyz -out temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-x -verb \
xyz2pipe -in temp_files/test%3d.ft4
-z -out spectrum \
pipe2ucsf spectrum
cp ~/Sparky/Save
rm -rf temp_files
rm -f spectrum